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Day 7: Berlin to Prague

Day 7: Berlin to Prague

We had time to play about with in the morning before we left Berlin so we walked to the German parliament building not far from the train station. This building is quite something else, it's defining feature is the glass dome on top in which the public are invited to walk about inside. There you get a nice view over the city but also a view down into the debating chambers of parliament, this is to convey the transparency of the government and also a way of reminding members who they work for, all they have to do it look up and see the people of Germany (or the tourists of Germany) to know that they are there to serve those people. Unfortunately we didn't get to go in, you need to book in advance or wait in a long queue on the day and our train would not wait for us! But I can assure you it's worth it based off a distant memory of going up it when I was on a school trip. 


So then the majority of the day was spent travelling to Prague, we reserved our seats this time! We spoke to a nice Dutch woman called Metti who was born in Glasgow so we chatted about Scotland and travelling while passing around haribo gummy bears (which taste so much better in Germany for some reason). After many hours of passing through beautiful scenery we got to Prague. We felt a little silly that we had not researched the currency a bit better before we got here, we were alarmed by the number of zeros they use but all was good after navigating the atm a bit, we certainly were not in danger of bankrupting ourselves in Prague. 

After that we found our hostel nice and easy, it has got a nice relaxed atmosphere and free breakfast!! The lady at the desk recommended somewhere to grab some typical Czech food as our tummies were rumbling quite a bit by this point. We followed the directions and came across a welcoming looking pub with great waiting staff and a menu filled with the heartiest of meals. If we had been vegetarian we would have had to find somewhere else as pretty much everything is meat based, and they really like to use all of the animal and not let anything go to waste (nothing we're shy of coming from the land of haggis). And of course, this was accompanied by some Czech beer. It would have been rude not to.




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